Transportation: The Circular Future
Weekly on Wednesdays - how the data, AI & circularity shape transportation, EVs & more ($25/ month)

This session is limited to 25 attendees. Join as many sessions as you like with monthly membership. Everyone is welcome. No sales pitches. No attendee recordings allowed. transform this Weekly 'Community Connect' workshop series are a drop-in open, global and innovative space for everyone. We meet to discuss disruptive technologies in various industries and their impact to sustainability with actionable innovation. We do not share or sell data and any other information you share before or during the Weekly Community Connect workshops. Our detailed terms and conditions are available here: https://www.goemerald.ca/terms Workshop Overview: Transportation is a daily part of our lives, or should I saw commute. This industry is ripe for a major disruption. EVs are here, infrastructure investments are underway and investors + customers are demanding sustainability with measurable impact on their investments in short and long term. How is this ecosystem, and each individual unit/ enterprise, using data towards responsibly creating success with multiple perspectives? Let's meet and discuss: 1) New developments in the transportation industry & focus on data 2) What is data driven innovation and sustainability within transportation industry? 3) How can we measure success using data? 4) What are other factors and socio-economic conditions impacting a transportation industry? Workshop Host: Gunjan Syal - Founder and CEO at GoEmerald. Gunjan innovates businesses and ecosystems in a way that the results are visible, measurable and repeatable. She enables innovation at an enterprise level by merging business, technology and data. She has led innovation initiatives for businesses in 9+ industries. Gunjan is a globally celebrated workshop host. See our terms and conditions here: https://www.goemerald.ca/terms Want to explore more pay-what-you-can and paid workshops? Visit transform this and sign up for upcoming workshop notifications.
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